Managing Homework and Extracurriculars: A Parent’s Guide

Managing Homework and Extracurriculars: A Parent’s Guide


It’s 5:00 p.m., and your child has just returned home from their afterschool program. Homework, dinner, and possibly extracurricular activities are all on the agenda, and it can feel overwhelming. Managing all of this effectively requires a game plan — and here’s how to create one.


Set a Routine

A clear afterschool routine helps children know what to expect each day. Start with a snack and some downtime to let them unwind. Then move into homework time. Having a dedicated homework spot, free from distractions, helps them focus and finish their work more efficiently.


Prioritize and Chunk Tasks

Not all assignments or activities are created equal. Teach your child how to prioritize by tackling the hardest homework first when their energy is high. Breaking big tasks into smaller chunks also makes them more manageable. For example, if your child has a long-term project, help them set mini-deadlines so they don’t feel overwhelmed.


Balance is Key

Don’t forget to leave room for relaxation and play! It’s tempting to fill up the entire afternoon with productive activities, but kids need downtime too. Whether it’s free play, reading, or just unwinding, this time is important for recharging and avoiding burnout.


Stay Flexible

Life happens — some days, homework might take longer, or extracurricular activities may run late. Build flexibility into your schedule to accommodate these variations, ensuring neither your child nor you feel stressed when things don’t go exactly as planned.

With these strategies, you can help your child manage both homework and extracurriculars without feeling overwhelmed, leaving more time for family bonding and fun!


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